What Does PSP Pandora Battery Do Why You Need It For CFW

What is a PSP Pandora battery and what does it do?

A pandora battery is required, if you are going to install custom firmware onto a psp console that is a newer model than the psp 1000, or is on the latest official firmware version from Sony, that you prevents you to install CFW, just by using only a magic memory stick. A pandora battery allows the psp console, when inserted into the rear of the console, to be able to boot into service mode. This allows the psp to go ahead and install custom firmware onto your psp and do other malicious things.

A standard psp battery cant be used as a pandora battery, unless you open the battery up and hard mod the internal circuit, but that can be risky, as you can damage your battery. So i would suggest you that you purchase a already made pandora battery and use that for installing custom firmware.

But if you are interesting in modding your standard battery and transforming it into a special pandora battery, then open up the battery using a sharp blade. Using the sharp part of the blade to scrape the sides of the plastic around the battery, where it has been glued, so it can open up.

Then access the internal mini circuit, found inside the battery and use your blade and make a cut where the image provided below shows:

Then reassemble the battery and you have successfully created a pandora battery and saved yourself some money.

If you have finished using it, then you can restore it and transform it back into a standard battery again. As you have made the cut, you have broken the circuit. So you need to reverse what you have done to revert it back to stock. This is by getting a pencil and drawing on the cut you made, to complete the circuit.

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